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Our Contributors
CASA Partners 4NMKIDS is grateful for all our supporters! Your contributions help us light the way and create new paths to a better life, future and hope for a loving, safe and healthy home to our foster children who have suffered a traumatic life experience. We thank you!
Thank you to our Grantors for their generous support!

Special thanks to two of our Grantors who
provide grant awards for the
Back to School Support for Foster Children program.

Teamsters Local 492
Teamsters 492 Retiree Club
Michael Meek
Sandoval County Commissioners
Moose Lodge #1517

Bosque Farms Rodeo Association
Buffalo Wild Wings
City of Vision Civitan Club Rio Rancho New Mexico
Geraldine, LLC
GT Plumbing
Hewlett Packard Inc.
R4 Creating
Presbyterian Health Plan
Wal-Mart Distribution Center
Zion City Church
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